
A Sacred Wild Life

An embodied life aligned with nature, creativity, and soul-guided living.


Welcome to A Sacred Wild Life with Annie Alcorn

Hi! I’m Annie, and I’m thrilled to guide you on a transformative journey toward embracing your authentic self. My mission with A Sacred Wild Life is to blend the wisdom of nature with creative expression to help you reconnect with your true essence.

What I’ve found in my own life is that when I started to tune out all the ‘shoulds’ and started tuning into the rhythms of nature and honoring my unique path, I achieved profound personal growth and inner harmony. Through courses like Rooted in Truth, I share practices and explorations that helped me nurture my inner spark, release years of shame and build authentic self-esteem, and to cultivate a life aligned with my deepest values.

Join me in this sacred space where we celebrate the beauty of your journey, rediscover your passions, and live fully as your true self.

Welcome home.


With my background in women’s studies, gardening, kitchen alchemy, and spiritual mentorship, I found what lights me up and who I really am- a wise woman and mentor, guiding others to rediscover the magic in their everyday lives. My journey has led me to embrace authenticity and grounding practices, to move beyond cultural conditioning and illusions found in many New Age communities.

My mission at A Sacred Wild Life is to share what has helped me on my own journey to living authentically and aligned with my values and truth. I love seeing women reconnect with their hearts and bring healing and inspiration into their homes through creativity and nature. A core belief of mine is that your life is an oracle and every offering I’ve created rises and grows from that root. Through journaling, creative acts and reconnecting with nature, I encourage and embody a way of life that fosters personal growth and authentic self-expression.

By blending daily practices with inner work, I encourage you to develop self-esteem, reawaken your creativity, and see yourself an as empowered creator of your life. My approach emphasizes sincerity, compassion, playfulness, and the importance of living a grounded, spiritual life.

with Love,




Discover the transformative power of bread in this new 2-week course.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth as you learn the ancient art of sourdough bread-making.

Explore the alchemical process of turning simple ingredients into a nourishing and delicious staple.

Join Annie and uncover the magic of bread-making as a way to nourish not only your body but also your soul.

Enroll now and start your journey to a deeper connection with food and yourself.


Walk the Path Inward & Thrive

In Rooted in Truth, you'll uncover what truly lights you up and embrace your unique self. Through nature, food, herbs, and creative expression, you'll see your personal growth mirrored in the natural cycles around you.

This course guides you to an embodied understanding of your magnetism when living authentically. As you nurture your dreams, your self-esteem will flourish, enriching your life deeply.

You'll reclaim your inner spark, weaving the sacred into everyday moments, and cultivating self-awareness, self-esteem, and integrity. Learn new skills, reconnect with nature, and become the artist of your life, rooted in your values and confidently living as your true self.

Learn More


“I am realizing doing the work, showing up, being consistent, is how I keep momentum in my life. I have to do it everyday, and each day I do it the stronger it becomes. What a lesson I needed to learn. And to know I’m doing it for myself and by doing it for myself I am doing it for everyone and everything . A word that keeps coming up is priestess.” ~ Loren

“I have a life coach. Technically she is a Shaman Priestess. But I think of her as a life coach. I mean yes there are flowers and sage and divinity cards and meditations and visualization. But we talk about my modern life and the ways in which I’m living out of alignment with my self, with my soul.” ~ Janaya

“I wish you to know you have been a spectacular teacher. You have opened up curiosity, exploration and imagination that I was unaware of. You have invited me to perspectives that only you can. I will continue to explore integrating the Divine Mother into all that I am, to generate and experience life as effortless and graceful - rather than tiresome- as the natural Medicine Woman reveals herself day by day.” ~ Elizabeth

“Thank you for holding me accountable and for holding space for me . Thank you for this profound life changing journey that you have guided me through. I am truly a different woman. “ -Happy Client

“Annie is one of the most grounded, authentic, spiritual mentors I’ve had the pleasure of being guided by. Her wisdom would send knowing waves of yes 🙌 through me when she reflected back to me what she was seeing , always done with enquiry and compassion. Annie offers something unique. She has lived a deep journey of spiritual awakening and now teaches that through her own found authenticity and truth. She has woven the ancient into the modern and shows up with such beauty in that. I adore Annie and am excited to walk with her again soon.” ~Arkellah




Contact Annie


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